Mollie arrived to us on July 6, 2010 at 10:42 AM. She weighed in at 6 lbs, 6 oz and 19 inches long!
We could not be more in love and can already see the start of our little family blooming!
Thanks for your continued love and support ~Leigh Ann, Matt & Mollie

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Nursery

I did give a sneak peek of Mollie's nursery a while back and then just realized I never showed the finished product! I adore this feels so full of life, color and just us, really.

The sleeping quarters- very thankful we moved her in there after only a few nights in our room. It wasn't working that great with us and the bassinet in our room, so after some encouragement from my friend Kelly we figured we'd give the crib, heartbeat sound machine and the new video monitor a try. Well...the rest is history-- it works for all 3 of us and seems much less disturbing.                                                    

This is my nursing center (where I spend about 5 hrs of each day, thanks to my sisters calculations)...The drawer consists of remote controls, a nail file and many granola bars for my midnight snacks- Whew, I need those almost each night! One thing I will say is that this whole set up is a MUST for any breastfeeding mom. My huge water bottle, notepad/pen, Lansinoh boob creme, burp cloths, bibs, boppy, etc etc. This is the whole kit n' caboodle.

The second most popular spot..the changing area! SO glad I did my diaper couponing and stocking up prior to her arrival as we have gone through some serious diapers-- about 12 a day I'd say. Didn't believe it when I read that in my baby books, but yep, it's true:) We also have our washcloth wipe down's here as well and our many daily outfit changes.

So that's our baby room. We love it and hope Lil Mollie does too:)

1 comment:

  1. Its just beautiful! I love your honesty about the new days of being a Mother. Those days are so tough! And ditto on the breastfeeding. I carried around a little "kit". It had all of my snacks, notepads, pens...I had to keep up with the feeding schedule on paper for atleast 3 or 4 weeks with Ella! I just couldn't remember what time or which boob :) It looks like you're doing wonderful and Mollie is so beautiful. I can't wait to hear more stories!
