I am thankful that Matt and I have always been 'thrifty' of sorts or at least 'resourceful' I feel like. After shopping for baby stuff, having multiple doctor visits thus far and looking into Lil G's future, we are quite aware just how much a baby costs! We know it's worth every penny and also know (hope) this won't be our only child, so we are trying to get creative in fun ways to save some money, without really eliminating things we love to do (like travel, eating out, entertaining) or must do (like pay our mortgage, bills, saving).
So, I started following these new money saving blogs a couple of months ago, after reconnecting with a friend from home who has two small kids, works full-time, blogs AND apparently is a great cook! She links up to other blogs, as well as posts her weekly grocery deals and her weekly menus for all to see and reap the benefits. If you're interested in learning more, she can be found at The Fairhope Foodie.
Alaina inspired me to take a better look at my grocery spending. While I am a huge fan of Publix and Harris Teeter and think we make great use of the BOGO deals out there- I had it all wrong before becoming more coupon conscious. The trick is to get those sale items AND match them with coupons..so really, some items end up being totally FREE. That's hard to beat and it's even better if they are pantry staples!
My trip to Harris Teeter last week was extra exciting (is that lame?!) due to the fact they were doubling all coupons up to $1.98. Yipppeee! Love those occasional weeks. I have been gathering coupons for a few months and I make my list according to what is on sale & what I have coupons for. We also try to make our weekly menu around that, too.
The result...
I spent $50.80 and saved $86.19! I saved $39 through Harris Teeter's deals and over $45 through coupons. Not too bad! I have hit the 'saved over $100' mark only once at Publix since my adventure began, but know it will happen again:)
I feel like I am stretching our food and fun budget to A) last longer and B) maybe even have $$ left over for those 'want, but not must-have' items for the baby and us.. Like the new 19" flat screen TV we just bought for her bedroom..of course this girl is already getting the royal treatment:)
Monday, February 22, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
A quote can say it all...
I think it was the same day I told my boss about Matt & I being pregnant, that she gave me the SWEETEST card I may have ever seen. I immediately fell in love with the quote and Lil G herself and thoughts of our future as a family.
After reading this quote, I almost didn't even need to see her note inside, but already knew this was a memento that would go in baby room. I put it up on our fridge at home immediately that day I received it, but after the room has been worked on, it is in a small stack of my craft projects for the new room. I plan to frame it and put some pictures of our sonograms all around it:)
I honestly love it so much, that I think it's my 'go-to' card now for friends becoming new moms. It came from a recently opened stationary boutique in town on Cannon St called Mac & Murphy. I highly suggest you swing by there next time you need a special card or stationary set. I went in there today after they did a presentation for us at work and got a card for a friend I am congratulating this weekend. Ami, one of the shop owners, also told me that the line of cards (including my fave) are designed by twin sisters here in Charleston. Check them out at Twin Muses- love supporting local biz and this shopping trip was a two-fer!
I have felt some awesome things and read some cool things during these past few months, but have to say this card quote might possibly be my favorite of all.
Baby- It was the tiniest thing I ever put my whole life into. And that's exactly what Matt and I plan to do.
After reading this quote, I almost didn't even need to see her note inside, but already knew this was a memento that would go in baby room. I put it up on our fridge at home immediately that day I received it, but after the room has been worked on, it is in a small stack of my craft projects for the new room. I plan to frame it and put some pictures of our sonograms all around it:)
I honestly love it so much, that I think it's my 'go-to' card now for friends becoming new moms. It came from a recently opened stationary boutique in town on Cannon St called Mac & Murphy. I highly suggest you swing by there next time you need a special card or stationary set. I went in there today after they did a presentation for us at work and got a card for a friend I am congratulating this weekend. Ami, one of the shop owners, also told me that the line of cards (including my fave) are designed by twin sisters here in Charleston. Check them out at Twin Muses- love supporting local biz and this shopping trip was a two-fer!
I have felt some awesome things and read some cool things during these past few months, but have to say this card quote might possibly be my favorite of all.
Baby- It was the tiniest thing I ever put my whole life into. And that's exactly what Matt and I plan to do.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Warmer weather, please!
I went to lunch yesterday with Matt and his co-workers at a fabulous downtown restaurant and ordered the Pad Thai, with some spicy chili sauce added in. I also had 2 glasses of un-sweet tea. I don't usually like too spicy of foods or, since being preg, really have not had much caffeine at ALL...before yesterday. Not sure what did it, but I was wide awake at 2am. I woke up around 1:30 or so, tossed & turned, then came 2am and I just had to get out of bed! So with Matt still sleeping, there was a lot I wanted to do, but little I could.
I have all my maternity clothes in baby room closet so I went in there, shut the door and culled through some new items that needed to be washed or hung up. Then I realized what a loss I am at with winter maternity clothes! I just bought my first 2 pairs of maternity jeans yesterday and can I just say 'HALLELUJAH!' They are some of the most comfy things I've ever put on, they hide flaws, fit in a smaller size than usual and even Matt said he likes them better than my regular jeans!..Uh-oh, is that a bad thing?! Ha! I now need more pants. I am over buying clothes for preggos though. I feel I have a ton of cute items, spring just needs to hurry up! Whew...when will this COLD weather leave us?! Even if I can be jacket-less for a while, I will be a happy gal. Til then...more sweaters. And my regular pants still being held up by the most important, rubber band trick:)
I have all my maternity clothes in baby room closet so I went in there, shut the door and culled through some new items that needed to be washed or hung up. Then I realized what a loss I am at with winter maternity clothes! I just bought my first 2 pairs of maternity jeans yesterday and can I just say 'HALLELUJAH!' They are some of the most comfy things I've ever put on, they hide flaws, fit in a smaller size than usual and even Matt said he likes them better than my regular jeans!..Uh-oh, is that a bad thing?! Ha! I now need more pants. I am over buying clothes for preggos though. I feel I have a ton of cute items, spring just needs to hurry up! Whew...when will this COLD weather leave us?! Even if I can be jacket-less for a while, I will be a happy gal. Til then...more sweaters. And my regular pants still being held up by the most important, rubber band trick:)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Girl Power
After spending the day yesterday at our annual Women in Business Conference & hearing some very inspirational women speak, a few things dawned on me..1) I love that I surround myself with encouraging and supportive women 2) I too, will be responsible for raising an inspirational woman!
It really hit home that I have a HUGE role in helping our little girl have great self-esteem, when sometimes in this world, that can be a tough thing. My friend Stacey Crew who is an author, organizer, blogger and all-around super mom had a blog post yesterday that tied right in with my thoughts. There is so much negativity for young girls to grow up with and honestly, I feel it comes from the lack of decent and REAL role models. As a mom, I will have to practice what I preach--this girl needs to see me contribute to society, help others and devote time to my family and her interests. Is that too much to ask of any mom?! I don't think so. Same can be said for male role models in girls' lives. I have a wonderful dad who has 3 daughters. He has always given all he had to us and set a good example of what a male figure should be/act like.
There are many, many women who will gladly take the time for you if you just ask! Our keynote speaker at the conference was Ambassador Linda Tarr-Whelan and although her entire speech was simply amazing, she said one thing that I'll remember to instill in my daughter; 'When a door opens, go through it.' That sounds simple enough, but we as women, sometimes take the comfort path rather than the more difficult or risky path. I guess, as a whole, it's our nature. She also said, 'What's the worst that can happen if you do go through that door? You may fail & then you will learn something for the next opportunity.' To a lot of people, including myself, that does sound scary. But, if our daughters grow up to just take the back seat all the time then when will women make any progress in the world or the business community? I have never felt or been shown personally that women are not as talented as men. I attribute that to my mom and other women, like my co-workers and best friends, that I am around all the time. I know others are not as lucky & don't have this support system.
Matt and I were discussing last night how this little girl will be raised and the things we want to introduce her to. I don't want her to only know about playing with dolls inside the house- I want to go outside and make mud-cakes and go on adventurous walks. That is one thing that I loved about Matt from the very start, he is always up for a new adventure & if it's anything outside, he is totally up for it! I look forward to seeing dad and daughter goofing around together:)
Yesterday also reminded me that we as women need to continue to support each other. We can ALL do something- whether you feel like you have something to give or not, you DO! Just put yourself out there and if nothing else, it will make you feel better about yourself for even trying!
It really hit home that I have a HUGE role in helping our little girl have great self-esteem, when sometimes in this world, that can be a tough thing. My friend Stacey Crew who is an author, organizer, blogger and all-around super mom had a blog post yesterday that tied right in with my thoughts. There is so much negativity for young girls to grow up with and honestly, I feel it comes from the lack of decent and REAL role models. As a mom, I will have to practice what I preach--this girl needs to see me contribute to society, help others and devote time to my family and her interests. Is that too much to ask of any mom?! I don't think so. Same can be said for male role models in girls' lives. I have a wonderful dad who has 3 daughters. He has always given all he had to us and set a good example of what a male figure should be/act like.
There are many, many women who will gladly take the time for you if you just ask! Our keynote speaker at the conference was Ambassador Linda Tarr-Whelan and although her entire speech was simply amazing, she said one thing that I'll remember to instill in my daughter; 'When a door opens, go through it.' That sounds simple enough, but we as women, sometimes take the comfort path rather than the more difficult or risky path. I guess, as a whole, it's our nature. She also said, 'What's the worst that can happen if you do go through that door? You may fail & then you will learn something for the next opportunity.' To a lot of people, including myself, that does sound scary. But, if our daughters grow up to just take the back seat all the time then when will women make any progress in the world or the business community? I have never felt or been shown personally that women are not as talented as men. I attribute that to my mom and other women, like my co-workers and best friends, that I am around all the time. I know others are not as lucky & don't have this support system.
Matt and I were discussing last night how this little girl will be raised and the things we want to introduce her to. I don't want her to only know about playing with dolls inside the house- I want to go outside and make mud-cakes and go on adventurous walks. That is one thing that I loved about Matt from the very start, he is always up for a new adventure & if it's anything outside, he is totally up for it! I look forward to seeing dad and daughter goofing around together:)
Yesterday also reminded me that we as women need to continue to support each other. We can ALL do something- whether you feel like you have something to give or not, you DO! Just put yourself out there and if nothing else, it will make you feel better about yourself for even trying!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Baby room of our dreams!
After having a successful 20 week appt, baby anatomy scan AND finding out it's a GIRL, it's been a super fun & eventful weekend/week!!

My mom and dad were in town this past weekend to help with the baby room and hang out a bit. We painted the walls (one of my most fave new colors, Sherwin-Williams WheatGrass), completed refinishing the dresser I found on Craigslist for $50, Matt & dad assembled the beautiful Jenny Lind crib and we even put a few accessories around and on the walls. Whew, what a huge difference a few extra hands make-this would have taken us weeks!! Dad even put in a dimmer so the lights are not too bright for her. So sweet! Matt & I are both pretty much in love with this room..and hope this little girl will be too:)
We are not finished with the room (need to put our wall items up, etc) but are making wonderful progress. I wake up each morning or come home each evening and open those doors to just get a peek inside. We look forward to having a sweet lil girl in there come June and am so happy with my family's help in creating our dream baby room. Love y'all!!!

My mom and dad were in town this past weekend to help with the baby room and hang out a bit. We painted the walls (one of my most fave new colors, Sherwin-Williams WheatGrass), completed refinishing the dresser I found on Craigslist for $50, Matt & dad assembled the beautiful Jenny Lind crib and we even put a few accessories around and on the walls. Whew, what a huge difference a few extra hands make-this would have taken us weeks!! Dad even put in a dimmer so the lights are not too bright for her. So sweet! Matt & I are both pretty much in love with this room..and hope this little girl will be too:)

Friday, February 5, 2010
Verdict is in!! It's A.....
We had our 20 week ultrasound today and Lil G seems very healthy!!! Obviously my maternal instincts were off, haha, I thought all along it was a boy, but of course SOOO excited it's a girl! My family works well with girls as we all know:) Matt will be a super cute dad with a girl and know that she will steal his heart as soon as they meet; if she hasn't already! This will be one outdoorsy and sports-y girl, I can tell you that:)
We can now start narrowing down names, as that seems to be everyone's next question! We have some ideas, but wanted to wait to know our focus once gender was determined.
We are working on baby room this weekend and my parents are in town to help. Whew! Cannot wait to get our beautiful green color on those walls and set up the crib and finish painting the dresser:)
Thanks friends and fanily and we are even more excited now that it (SHE) is all coming together:) Please keep our continued health & wellness in your thoughts and we hope to see or speak to y'all very soon! Lots of love..
Leigh Ann & Matt (and Lil G!)
We had our 20 week ultrasound today and Lil G seems very healthy!!! Obviously my maternal instincts were off, haha, I thought all along it was a boy, but of course SOOO excited it's a girl! My family works well with girls as we all know:) Matt will be a super cute dad with a girl and know that she will steal his heart as soon as they meet; if she hasn't already! This will be one outdoorsy and sports-y girl, I can tell you that:)
We can now start narrowing down names, as that seems to be everyone's next question! We have some ideas, but wanted to wait to know our focus once gender was determined.
We are working on baby room this weekend and my parents are in town to help. Whew! Cannot wait to get our beautiful green color on those walls and set up the crib and finish painting the dresser:)
Thanks friends and fanily and we are even more excited now that it (SHE) is all coming together:) Please keep our continued health & wellness in your thoughts and we hope to see or speak to y'all very soon! Lots of love..
Leigh Ann & Matt (and Lil G!)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Natural Occurrences
I figured this yucky rainy day in Charleston, is the reason why I am feeling a bit yucky today. For months now, I have been congested and have had al these nasal issues. Lovely, I know:) Now, my sinuses are actually hurting. I did get my H1N1 shot this weekend, so hopefully I'm good to go on that end! Thank you DHEC and being a booth at the Home+Design Show- who knew that would be the kind of multi-tasking that would take place on a Sunday?!
I have also been seeing some side affects of me NOT being on birth control. I remember when Matt and I first starting to discuss 'trying' and I quickly realized one thing--that would mean I have to give up my beloved BC. I have been prescribed to BC since I was 18 years old. After years of horrible cramps, that seemed to be my best solution. Little did I know it was going to balence my hormones out more, clear up my skin and possibly even be a prevention for various cancers!
Now that I have been off BC about 6 months and quickly thereafter became pregnant, my body is not quite sure what is happening! For all those years I was regulated by my BC and my skin was clear. Not so much is the case anymore...I feel like a teenager..well, not so much, although my skin wants to think it is:)
It is so fascinating to see and experience all these natural occurances that come with pregnancy. For all these little annoyances and aggrivating pains, I know it will be WAYYY beyond worth it in the end. Cannot wait to meet this future soccer player (girl or boy), who is already kicking up a storm lately!!! Maybe it's the stormy weather or maybe he/she is excited that we get to see them again this Friday for the 20 week ultrasound! I am hoping it's the latter..
I have also been seeing some side affects of me NOT being on birth control. I remember when Matt and I first starting to discuss 'trying' and I quickly realized one thing--that would mean I have to give up my beloved BC. I have been prescribed to BC since I was 18 years old. After years of horrible cramps, that seemed to be my best solution. Little did I know it was going to balence my hormones out more, clear up my skin and possibly even be a prevention for various cancers!
Now that I have been off BC about 6 months and quickly thereafter became pregnant, my body is not quite sure what is happening! For all those years I was regulated by my BC and my skin was clear. Not so much is the case anymore...I feel like a teenager..well, not so much, although my skin wants to think it is:)
It is so fascinating to see and experience all these natural occurances that come with pregnancy. For all these little annoyances and aggrivating pains, I know it will be WAYYY beyond worth it in the end. Cannot wait to meet this future soccer player (girl or boy), who is already kicking up a storm lately!!! Maybe it's the stormy weather or maybe he/she is excited that we get to see them again this Friday for the 20 week ultrasound! I am hoping it's the latter..
birth control,
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