Mollie arrived to us on July 6, 2010 at 10:42 AM. She weighed in at 6 lbs, 6 oz and 19 inches long!
We could not be more in love and can already see the start of our little family blooming!
Thanks for your continued love and support ~Leigh Ann, Matt & Mollie

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Catching up..

Friends and Family, since this is our first post and we're almost 16 weeks now, we wanted to catch you up to speed a bit!
We had our first Dr. visit on Dec 10, which we thought was an 8 week visit, but turned out to be 11.5 weeks! So...when we saw the baby on the ultrasound, this crazy being had arms, legs, full spine, both sides of the brain- just facinating, especially when we thought all we'd see was a blob:) Between then and now, we have been prepping our minds and home to welcome a new baby in our lives! Reading books, buying some room necessities & cute clothes, looking at paint colors, fabric swatches, you know- all the important stuff! Ha..

The real issue these past few weeks has been the struggle dealing with/finding childcare. I have visited a few daycares in our area, none of which are awesome and also, none of which expects to take any new children this year. At all. Great..So now we are on the hunt for what seems like our ideal anyways, a nanny-share with our friend/neighbor or a sweet in-home daycare close by. I have a couple good leads and we are confident that the right thing will surface. Sooner than later we hope, so that is behind us:)

We went back to the Dr today, Jan 7 & got to hear the heartbeat for the first time, which was cool & 'nice and strong' said the Doc. (We also think baby was gearing up for this BCS Championship game tonight- ROLL TIDE!) Even though my regular pants button and loop is being held together with a rubber band, when I weighed in today I was semi-proud that I have only gained 1 lb..told Matt that I honestly think it's from me not drinking that delicious craft beer in our fridge for 4 months..hmm will have to remember that POST baby then, too I guess! More to come and we cannot wait to update you further.

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