The problem with this much energy and feeling 'normal' is that at times I forget I am as pregnant as I am. Still no real big belly, but now that I am a week away from the 3rd trimester, I need to start taking that into consideration and slowing down a bit. I want to be myself and energetic, but at the same time, need to know when to say no to some things or just take some breaks between activities & recognize my boundaries.

We had a wonderful few days this past weekend! Friday night my sister, Jane, was in town and we attended Charleston Fashion Week. So fun, but I've yet to be 'out on the town' later than 8pm (ha!) and in heels for a while.
The next day Matt and I were up bright & early to make Lowe's and Home Dept runs, do yard/patio work and plant our veggie/herb garden for the year. I always underestimate the time all of that takes, and energy, to say the least. We both love doing it so at the time it's wonderful--at 6 months pregnant your body starts to not feel the same after multiple hours of manual labor. Sunday was no different...back out in the yard for the morning before we got caught in the rain. Sunday night and Monday I was paying for the weekend fun and hard work. - Yayyy new patio and roof! Cannot wait to enjoy summertime out there:)
I am trying to still act like and perform my usual hobbies and duties as before, yet the difference now is that I am growing a little girl inside of me! As I approach week 27, I can feel myself slowing a bit naturally, so I guess that's God & Mother Nature's way of helping me make that choice:) I hope I continue to feel as good as I have in these many weeks prior, just need to take it a bit more easy some days, as to not wear myself down. I really don't want to change my ways, but at the same time, I already feel I'd do anything in the world for it a BIT slower, I will:)
LOVE that lil' baby bump! You look great!