I swear Mollie was born a foodie. First, she took her sweet time nursing...no rush, just wanted to savour every bit. Then, with a bottle she wants to chug it. If you take it from her and she is not done or you might by chance need to wipe her face a bit, she'll cry and/or squeal to let you know you better give that back to her ASAP. Don't mess with this chick at meal time.
Now, onto the food!! Matt and I had no clue what to expect when feeding her for the first time with a spoon. Would she open up? Would she eat/swallow it? Would she love it? YES to all of the above!!
She already wants to 'help' |
She seriously opened her mouth and ate her rice cereal off the spoon with no hesitation--she did make a slight squirmy face when she first tasted the rice cereal, but it could not have gone smoother. She polished off her entire (little) bowl and just loved it!!!
So, we'll be on rice cereal for a little while, but Matt's dad 'Poppy' is going to fix her some sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving!! YUMMMMY! Haha, we cannot wait to see the look on her face when it's actually something delicious she's eating:)
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