"Don't pray when it rains, if you don't pray when the sun shines."
As we get older, responsibilities change, as do our priorities. Thanksgiving is always a wonderful reminder to look back on the year and be grateful for all that we've been blessed with and the people in our lives, more importantly. Praying when things are good is not my strong suit. I've always been the one to lean on God and ask for help or strength when I need it, just bad with saying thanks for when I do actually have the answers!As I've come to see with Mollie, material items sure do mean a whole lot less than being able to spend time with each other. I love that Matt is an awesome dad and looks forward to spending time with his wife & daughter. I think it's safe to say it might be his favorite thing to do. I for sure can say, spending time with those 2 people sure is MY favorite thing to do:)
2 years ago this week, I was sleeping on the floor of the ICU waiting room with my mom & sisters, watching my dad cling to life. I always knew my family was the core of my existence, but going through something so bad, sure can bring you closer to one another..as can sharing your Thanksgiving meal in a hospital cafeteria. No fancy serving ware. No cooking in the kitchen for days. No real holiday decor. We were just grateful to be with each other. We were grateful to be eating warm food and have chairs to sit on. We were grateful that our dad was going to make it at least one more day. Those simple joys in life that don't cost a dime will ALWAYS outshine anything that has a dollar value. Nothing will ever compare to those moments and honestly, I'm glad it happened over Thanksgiving to really let us see all that we have been given in this life, all that we've worked towards & then be the most humbled I've ever known.
This past year at Thanksgiving, my family & Matt's family were all gathered in Myrtle Beach. Dad was also still a living miracle at that time, too! Thanksgiving day, Matt and I had the great honor of announcing to our families the coming addition to our family, now affectionately known as Mollie:) Only then, we had no clue boy/girl or anything else-we hadn't even been to the doctor or seen an ultrasound! We had known for a couple weeks if I remember correctly, but we stayed hush hush about it until we knew they'd all be together. It was one exciting day that's for sure!
Here we are in 2010 & we'll actually be able to celebrate Mollie here with us & also feed her her first REAL food-yummy sweet potatoes! My dad is truly a miracle. He survived 3 major surgeries and 74 days in the hospital with doctors not knowing exactly what would come next.
Not only does Thanksgiving bring us the natural meaning of thanks, but it's also a nice reminder to not only pray when it rains, but also pray when the sun shines! Be thankful everyday of the year, not just Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving to you & all the wonderful people in your lives!